The Award Programme was first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1956 as the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. The aim was to motivate young people aged between 14 and 25 years to become involved in a balanced programme of voluntary self-development activities to take them through the potentially difficult period between adolescence and adulthood. For more details on this program, you can visit the website http://www.iayp.in/. They often do not have an idea as to how they could spend their time fruitfully.
The IAYP program covers areas of individual skills, service to the community, physical pursuits and adventure, for them to explore and also get international recognition while enjoying these activities, after school hours.
The Program requires students to spend a minimum of 1 hour a week on each of the following:-
Developing a Skill, Taking up new interests.
Helping the community in some form of service.
Involvement in some form of Physical Activity.
Participate in an Adventure Experience. (Training and Qualifying Camp)
The program has three levels; viz:- Bronze, Silver and Gold.
At each level one can either choose a new field to work on OR achieve a higher proficiency than that achieved in the previous level.
At JamnabaiNarsee School this program has been conducted ever since the beginning of the IGCSE section, we offer this program (Bronze Level) to grade 9 students only, as most students attain the minimum required age (14yrs) during this time.
With grade 10 exams being conducted in the month of March, it is not possible to conduct all activities and adventure camps for the Silver Level during this crucial year. They can pursue the Silver and Gold Levels while in the IBDP or ISC section.
The school has trained teachers as Award Leaders, who conduct the program.