Jamnabai Adolescent Mentor Program
The JAM program at Jamnabai Narsee International School stands as a beacon of support and empathy within its student community. Designed to foster a nurturing environment where students can address a myriad of concerns, the program thrives on the pillars of open communication and peer support. Through the JAM program, students find solace in engaging with mentors who lend a listening ear and provide invaluable guidance and understanding.
WellBeing in the PYP
In the Primary Years Programme (PYP), students in their formative years are engaged in regular well-being sessions, aimed at nurturing their social and emotional development. These sessions are carefully designed to cultivate healthy mental habits, particularly tailored to address the unique needs of students during their early years of growth. Regular assemblies serve as platforms to disseminate strategies for enhancing mental health, including techniques for relaxation and mindfulness.
WellBeing in the MYP
In the Middle Year Programme (MYP), the WellBeing team orchestrated a symphony of activities aimed at fostering holistic growth and empowering students with essential life skills. Assemblies and year group sessions focused on topics such as embracing a positive outlook, facing fears, and emotion regulation. On World Mental Health Day, students learnt about the significance of mental health and were encouraged to actively participate in destigmatizing conversations surrounding emotional wellness.
WellBeing in the IGCSE
JNIS IGCSE students participate fully in JAM, WellBeing Assemblies and school mental health initiatives. Key objectives for our IGCSE pastoral team include humility and gratitude, mindfulness, and the importance of maintaining consistent study routines. An international education demands that students collaborate and apply concepts in real-life contexts. The JNIS WellBeing Team is on hand to buttress these skills and serve each individual’s emotional health.
WellBeing in the DP
The JNIS WellBeing Team invest a great deal of time, heart and soul into supporting students’ transition to adulthood. As our senior students mature, the pressures of modern social and academic life grow in intensity and impact. The WellBeing Team act proactively by hosting events focused on friendships, academic stress and healthy lifestyles. Our DP students are forthcoming about themselves, their friends and the DP experience. Most important for the WellBeing Team is being there to listen and care.