JNIS is now an authorized IB World School offering the IB Continuum - PYP, MYP and DP through Grades 1 to 12 and Cambridge IGCSE through Grades 8 to 10.
Education in the Secondary school aims at stimulating the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical faculties of the learner. Facts of history, geography and environmental education are studied first-hand, from direct sources as far as possible. An interdisciplinary approach is adopted, which helps present the subjects in a synthesized fashion as opposed to in isolation.
Teachers design curriculum and select learning resources that offer creative educative experiences. 'Graded learning' provides experiences to the learner in proportion to his strength, needs and interests. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation is done to assess students' learning. 'Project Work' supplements the theoretical acquisition of knowledge, understanding and application in every subject area.
Educational excursions, nature trails, exploration camps, monsoon treks and participation in co-curricular activities make the education programme a stimulating learning experience for all. Value Education fits into the curriculum design and offers a holistic approach to education.
Community Service is integral to our philosophy and emphasize an awareness, concern and responsibility for service in the community. Every student is expected to be involved in some way to reach our common goal. Students are encouraged to design their own service projects and are challenged to take action as an extension of their classroom learning.
The Jamnabai Adolescent Mentor (JAM) Programme gives selected students of Grades 9 and 11 the opportunity to be trained as peer mentors for the school. With the motto 'We Dare to Care', the students of JAM strive to help other students across the school.
For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit http://www.ibo.org