Committed to transforming every young individual who walks in through the gates of JNIS, into knowledgeable and caring inquirers with keen local and global sensitivity and the will to succeed in life, as global leaders of tomorrow, we believe in nurturing them. We believe that education is the collective responsibility and that successful functioning of the school depends on the cooperation of everyone involved - students, teachers, parents and staff. These stakeholders bear the responsibility of the children's development pitching in wherever necessary, to not only aid the teaching learning process but also to foster the qualities of independence, inquiry, self-reliance, innovation and respect.
The daily activities at JNIS are designed to facilitate and celebrate the life of every child in the school, to instill in them a sense of pride in who they are and where they come from. The guiding principle of the school - "Let learning be a joy and teaching a pleasure" - permeates all the activities- curricular and co-curricular. Activities are planned keeping in mind both the intellectual and emotional growth of the individual child. While in class the mind is sharpened in the spirit of inquiry, it is also sensitized to the plight of those less fortunate. Various co-curricular activities, service components and outbound trips help in in harnessing this keenness and sensitivity in real life, in the true spirit of empathy and concern.